



Brand Identity

At a time when several startups are emerging, Mapfry is born, a new company specialized in Geomarketing.

Locations and sale points are fundamental choices for a wide range of businesses. The question is how to choose the sweet spot when regions and addresses are constantly changing. Mapfry builds and analyzes databases to interpret this movement, directing its efforts so that these changes become market opportunities.


The geomarketing think tank invited us to develop its branding project. The company's partners started from the common passion for maps, data, technology and the incredible power that this combination has to transform everyday life and come up with solutions that have a real impact on society.

Graphically, the main visual elements present in the company’s daily activities are heat maps and interface visualisation, which loads through a map's square grid through their own software.


Inspired by the main purpose of defining an exact spot for opening a business, we developed a flexible system based on coordinates and the map grid.

The logo indicates the technological atmosphere of the brand, and presents mainly straight lines, referencing the squared grid. The identity presents warm and cool colors combined through gradients, very much like a heat map. So for the visual system we customized and stylized the elements that are already so recognizable for the brand's market in a straight forward and proprietary way.
